​A Successful Trial Attorney for 35 Years
Drug Offense Attorney in Grand Rapids, MI
Being charged with possession, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver marijuana, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, or prescription drugs are complicated and serious charges. The consequences of conviction are more severe and far reaching than ever. The penalties for being convicted of a drug offense in Michigan will affect not just you, but your family as well. Penalties include substantial fines, costs, and fees to the court, jail and prison time, lengthy probation, work crew, community service, mandatory treatment, classes, and or counseling, loss of your driver’s license; and often results in the loss of your job, loss of any future jobs; and a criminal conviction reflecting drugs on your criminal record.
A conviction for possessing or dealing drugs will appear on any background check or security clearance. A conviction for use, possession, or drug dealing will affect your seeking custody of or parenting time with your children. Your property, including your home, can be seized. Multiple offenses enhance the maximum possible penalties you can receive.
Judith A. Baxter is a trial attorney with 35 years of courtroom experience handling drug cases, including over 20 years as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. During her career as an Assistant Prosecutor, Judith A. Baxter prosecuted drug cases almost exclusively for approximately 10 of those years from investigation through trial, and Ms. Baxter developed Kent County’s Drug Asset Seizure and Forfeiture program. Judith A. Baxter’s extensive knowledge of and experience with drug cases, the prosecutor’s office, and the court system, combined with her dedication to each and every one of her clients, provides Ms. Baxter in depth insight about each of her cases, and gives her clients an advantage in securing favorable resolutions of their cases, including reduction and even dismissal of the charges, and winning cases in court. Judith A. Baxter will stand by you every step of the way as your case proceeds through the court system.

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Ms. Baxter will answer your questions, advise you about the seriousness of the charges you are facing, the consequences you are facing, and explain your options to you.