NB Media
Feb 11, 2017
New Michigan Laws 2017
(WXYZ) - New laws in 2017 will raise fees, wages and expand on existing regulations. On January 1st, the minimum wage increases from...

NB Media
Feb 11, 2017
Substance Abuse and Driving - Know The LAWS
Substance Abuse and Driving When you drink alcohol, or use other drugs, and drive, you endanger your life, and the lives of your...

Feb 11, 2017
Michigan changes requirements for Holmes Youthful Trainee Act First Offender Act
THE CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE (EXCERPT) Act 175 of 1927 762.11 Criminal offense by individual between ages 17 and 24; assignment to...

NB Media
Feb 11, 2017
Michigan changes MIP from Misdemeanor to Civil Infraction
A bill intended to give underage drinkers a second chance passed overwhelmingly in the state House of Representatives on Tuesday. Under...